

Do you have a creative urge that feels a little squashed at the moment?

This might be the perfect opportunity to break out the pencils and paper to get together with other creative people to draw or write, eat pizza and talk. This event is an opportunity to create zines that you might want to enter into our exhibition that is happening at the end of the year. This exhibition is exploring how living in the country makes you happy and healthy and how it could be better. While there are going to be a number of $250 prizes up for grabs, the main reason we would like to give you this opportunity is to unsquash your creative side and enjoy a moment with other students like you. We will also be providing pizza to fuel the creative juices. So, whether you draw or write, collage, or create poetry we would love to see you there. 

We will be meeting in the SU at Bendigo every Tuesday during semester. 
Be sure to book your spot below.
First Name
Last name
Mobile number
Email address
You will shortly receive a confirmation email. We look forward to seeing you there
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